Jerry Springer – Episode 221

Jerry_Springer, Judge_Jerry, Matt_Bailey, Talk_For_Two

From Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! to Keeping Order in the Court, Jerry Springer on his Long and Winding Career

Jerry Springer has done a lot in his career. Way more than you think. He was a lawyer,  Mayor of Cincinnati, and news anchor all before becoming one of TV’s most beloved tabloid talk show hosts. 

Springer is, of course, most well-known as the host of his self titled talk show, “Jerry Springer,” where ordinary people from all walks of life went on TV to air their dirty laundry and baby mama drama. Jerry played curious counselor to the wackadoos who would show up. 

His earnestness in dealing with his guests made the whole thing work while never turning Springer into an exploitative villain.

And those legal skills are on display in his new show, Judge Jerry. The new season is airing in syndication around the country this fall.

The cases feature real litigants who have filed suit in their local courts. Sometimes the cases are straightforward.

While other times, the order in the courtroom feels like it could devolve into mass chaos similar to Springer’s old show. 

But Judge Jerry keeps a firm and grandfatherly hand over the proceedings, which always end in a fair ruling.

From Ohio Politico to television icon, here’s our interview with Jerry Springer.