Dr. Henry Lee – Episode 236

Henry Lee, Forensic Science, Forensic Files, Matt Bailey, Talk For Two

The Future of Forensic Science with the Legendary Dr. Henry Lee

Growing up, there was a show I absolutely loved–still love to this day–called Forensic Files. This show, with silky-voiced narrator Peter Thomas somehow managing to make True Crime soothing, is a bedtime standard for me. And I’m not alone. YouTube Bill Hader True Crime. The SNL star does the same thing.

There was one expert who cropped up on that show quite often. He’s probably the most prolific voice in forensic science, Dr. Henry Lee.

Dr. Lee is currently the director of Forensic Research and Training Center at the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science and Distinguished Chair Professor in Forensic Science at the University of New Haven. He began his career in law enforcement before switching his focus to forensic science upon arriving in the United States.

When I say this conversation was fascinating, it doesn’t even begin to do it justice. Dr. Lee and I talked for 40 minutes. He was most interested in discussing the state of Forensic Science today. He says the art of the science-interpretation of the evidence-is lessening in favor of a strict adherence to facts and facts only. Expert analysis is being relied upon less and less in the courts.

Plus, we also discuss Dr. Lee’s time as a refugee in Taiwan with his family, and his being in law enforcement there. How he came to America, and–this is really moving–the first case he ever worked that stuck with him.